
Talents are our foundation for achieving sustained growth over the long run. We strive to provide our employees a platform of growth and self-fulfillment, and to help them reach their personal career goals. To that end, we strive to implement the most optimal model of human capital management (“HCM”) that emphasizes being transparent, open-minded and proactive. We aspire to evolve into an organization which has no boundaries, is knowledge intensive and empowers its members. Specifically, our HCM philosophy encompasses the following:

We recruit talents from all parts of the world by exploring flexible employment not limited to time and location. We adopt distant working model, elastic working time, and management tools centered around separable tasks, thus building a more flexible working culture.

We achieve equity in work by embracing transparency in terms of information flow and employee inclusion in our HCM processes, while at the same time protecting personal privacy. For example, employees are able to submit anonymous complaints / viewpoints / improvement suggestions (“BUGs”) via our inhouse OA tools. In 2021, over 7,487 BUGs were submitted and evaluated through a systematic process by a dedicated department, leading not only to continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations, but also a sense of ownership and the ability to “make a difference” by employees at all levels. We also carry out various employee surveys to gather feedbacks and suggestions towards our daily operation. These surveys are powered by AI based questionnaires, from which all feedbacks are automatically tagged and structured, thus forming standardized diagnose report to provide better reference to enhance our overall management.

We promote corporate-wide knowledge sharing. Online courses that span a broad range of topics including management skills, latest industry trends, work processes, and product design and development across various business lines were delivered weekly to more than 90% of our employees for over 35 weeks in 2021. And 123 of such online courses have been offered to our employees in 2021.

We adopt broad applications of AI technologies in our daily operation to drive efficient execution of our HCM policies. ‘Ms. TANG Yu’, our AI powered ‘Virtual Executive’, went online in Dec 2018 on our inhouse community platform to enable automatic processes such as task approval, notifications, rewards, promotion, etc. These AI based applications also serve to evolve our organization to be more flat and open by ensuring consistent information disclosure and process flow within the organization.

Policies and Performances


The Group offers equal opportunities to all job seekers regardless of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or other attributes as prohibited by any other relevant laws. The Group treats every staff with equality and none of their appointment, remuneration packages and promotions will be affected by any of the afore mentioned attributes.

The policy of the Group is to select the most suitable person who corresponds to particular job requirements taking into account of educational background, working experiences, skills, personal integrity and considerations such as potential to grow in line with the Group.


In Jul 2007, NetDragon established ‘NetDragon University’, an online-merge-offline platform for our internal employee training, with contents and training capabilities that span across over 14 subjects/topics. In 2021, we conducted 121 training sessions via NetDragon University, serving 108,083 person-times. We also encourage knowledge sharing by inviting internal and external experts to deliver seminars and open courses via NetDragon University. In 2021, we conducted 24 of such seminars with attendance by over 3,600 person-times, and 26 of such open courses with attendance by over 719 person-times.

NetDragon also encourages our employees to engage in daily reflection with strategic thinking. In 2018, senior executives of the company formed a ‘Inspiration Check-in’ Club, in which members share their daily reflections/thoughts openly via our inhouse community platform.

As of Dec 2021, over 100,000 daily reflections were also selected and further published into a collection for employees to digest and get inspiration. This initiative has served to not only empower employees to share their minds, but also create a culture of strong collaboration and learning from each other.


We have in place a complete career development, key position qualification, and a dual-track (managerial and professional) promotion system. All employees are encouraged and empowered to fully develop their knowledge, experience and skillset in our company.

All rules, standards and processes towards promotion are clearly defined and open to all. Our promotion philosophy is highly centered around the quality of work in terms of how well an employee performs their tasks within their roles and responsibilities, without regard to the traditional career boundaries of tenure and ranking. This enables us to identify qualified employees timely on the basis of their valuable contributions, and thus offered with higher positions within the company.

We also encourage innovation by rewarding employees with high contributions in our R&D. We hold annual events to give out Design Innovation Awards, Technology Innovation Awards, and Operational Innovation Awards. Around 20 employees are awarded annually, and many more are incentivized monthly (we paid “innovation” bonuses to 1,144 staff-times in 2021). Further, to drive design-driven innovation, we hold our ‘99 Design Oscar’ event annually to reward top creative designs by our employees.


Human capital is our most important asset. We greatly value the health of our employees, and continue to perfect our employee health management by promoting practical, fashionable and fun initiatives to foster a healthy and balanced lifestyle for our employees.

Below are the four key areas we emphasize on:

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement

Please refer to the link here for NetDragon's Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement.

Health Initiatives

Our good work environment, healthy food standard, sports events, and fun festival activities all aimed to lead employees to adopt a healthy life style. Some of the annual events include ND Games (ie. Sports Day), 1/4 Marathon and SEAL Challenge for senior executives.

Health Check

Free health evaluation, annual body-check, and health report analysis are provided to employees.

Training / Education

We provide our employees a wide range of inhouse sports facilities, sports training sessions, meditation courses, health lessons and consultations in our global headquarter. Our internal communication channels around health and well-being are broad and extensive, including online platforms such as our intranet, OA, IM, ERP pop-up notices, ND Radio, etc. as well as offline measures such as on-campus posters, KT board, and display monitor screens.

Illness Prevention

We have set up in-campus clinics and health management rooms in our global headquarter, where treatment can be held any time and expert doctors are invited periodically to provide in-depth consultations. All domestic employees are provided with medical insurance packages. Furthermore, epidemic control measures are strictly followed in all of our working facilities.

In 2020, we received the Diamond Level China Healthy Workplace Certification from Human Resource Excellence Center (“HREC”) , a well known human resource consulting firm in China. The certification standards were developed by experts from reputable organizations including Fudan University, Huawei, Medtronic, Volkswagen, Bayer, etc.


NetDragon offers competitive salaries and welfare in line with the market. We provide a broad range of employee welfare benefits including grants from our internal ‘99 Loving-Heart Foundation’ (to support employees who suffer from mishaps), gifts on traditional festivals, team outing allowances, annual body check, birthday gifts, gifts/bonus for wedding, child birth, etc. We also reward award points for active and effective usage of our company OA, IM and training platforms, and at the same time hold various fun events throughout the year to reward our employees based on such rewards points.

Performance Management

We take a task-centered approach to actively support strategy execution and goal setting. We have established organizational and individual goal systems based on this principle, aiming to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of performance management, thereby creating greater value for sustainable business success and growth. The performance management process is as follows:

Goal Breakdown

Task-centered goal breakdown involves decomposing the company’s strategic goals into the Organizational Strategic Task Pool for each department and project to assume the corresponding tasks. While each department serves as a task repository and talent pool, they also take on tasks in the Project Task Pool based on their scope of work. Employees have the flexibility to select tasks based on task requirements, personal career development, and individual interests. Departmental and individual goals are set based on the tasks they assume. This ensures that departmental and individual efforts align with the overall organizational goals.

Individual goals, typically set collaboratively by an employee and his or her manager, foster a greater sense of ownership and commitment. In addition, employees who participate in the goal-setting process are more likely to comprehend and embrace their goals.

Currently, performance reviews are conducted on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Monthly and quarterly reviews provide immediate feedback that helps employees make timely adjustments and enhances their motivation. The annual review assesses long-term performance, establishes development plans, ensures goal alignment, and fosters mutual growth for both the organization and the employees. Collectively, these performance reviews serve to improve employee performance, align organizational goals, maintain positive momentum, and promote employee career development.

Goal Achievement Support

Managers regularly monitor employees' progress toward their goals and provide timely feedback. This includes communicating challenges and advances, and providing necessary support and guidance. To assure employee achievement of goals, managers should ensure that employees execute the established plan and resolve any problems that arise.

Performance Review

Monthly, quarterly and annual performance reviews are conducted on departments and employees regularly based on how their goals are achieved.

Performance review of employees includes not only the achievement of individual performance goals but also their contribution to their teams’ goals. We look at a number of factors to comprehensively understand an employee’s contribution to his or her team and the company, such as the demand-side feedback and core stakeholder evaluation. In addition, the overall performance of a department affects the performance review results of each member. We enforce a predetermined distribution of performance ratings for each department to stimulate team spirit and enhance cohesion.

Feedback and Discussion

The Company requires managers to hold formal performance review dialogues with employees at least quarterly. These discussions are designed to review performance review results, provide feedback and discuss individual development plans. It is a collaborative effort to explore an employee's career development aspirations, training needs, and strategies to better achieve job goals, thereby facilitating their growth and advancement. In addition, this practice helps foster positive employee relations.

This comprehensive performance management cycle ensures a fair, impartial, and transparent performance review process. It empowers employees to achieve goals while fostering continuous improvement and personal growth. This increases the efficiency and effectiveness of performance management, creating greater value for sustainable business success and growth.

Social Honors

  • 2018 Best Employer Award for Graduates (by

    2018 Best Employer Award for Graduates

  • 2019 Fujian Extraordinary Innovative Employer (by Caixin)

    2019 Fujian Extraordinary Innovative Employer
    (by Caixin)

  • 2019 Excellent HCM Award (by,

    2019 Excellent HCM Award

  • 2019 Best Employer in China – Most Innovative Award (by

    2019 Best Employer in China
    – Most Innovative Award

  • 2020 Best Employer in China – Exemplary Campus
                            Recruitment Award (by

    2020 Best Employer in China –
    Exemplary Campus Recruitment Award

  • 22020 Most Influential Employer (by

    2020 Most Influential Employer


Please refer to the link here for a summary of their human capital management policies and performances.